How Billboards Reinforce Digital Retargeting Campaigns Effectively

October 18, 2024
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In today’s digital marketing landscape, a common goal is to be omnipresent—visible to your audience across multiple touchpoints.

Retargeting, a digital strategy that serves ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or brand, is one of the most effective ways to achieve this. But what happens when we combine this digital technique with the tried-and-true power of outdoor advertising, particularly billboards? This hybrid approach creates a powerful synergy, amplifying brand recognition and pushing potential customers down the sales funnel.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how integrating billboards with your digital retargeting efforts can create a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages the best of both worlds.

The Basics of Retargeting

Before diving into the billboard integration, it’s essential to understand retargeting and how it works. Retargeting, also called remarketing, is a digital strategy that involves displaying ads to users who have already engaged with your brand, whether by visiting your website, clicking on a social media ad, or interacting with your content.

The idea is to bring back users who didn’t convert on their first visit but showed interest in your products or services. Retargeting ads remind potential customers, encouraging them to complete the purchase, sign up, or take other desired actions.

Retargeting is a valuable tool for keeping your brand at the forefront of your mind. However, like any digital strategy, it can benefit from a multi-channel approach that includes online and offline efforts. That’s where billboards come in.

Why Combine Billboards with Retargeting?

While digital retargeting works effectively in keeping your brand in front of users online, billboards provide a physical, real-world presence that adds a layer of credibility and constant visibility. Here’s why combining the two strategies works so well:

1. Constant Visibility

  • Billboards, especially in high-traffic areas, offer constant visibility. Unlike digital ads, which may be blocked or missed entirely, billboards are seen by everyone who passes by, making it impossible to “skip” them.
  • When customers see your billboard and reencounter your brand online through retargeting ads, it reinforces your message. The repeated exposure, both in the real world and online, increases brand recognition and trust.

2. Multi-Channel Consistency

  • Studies show that consumers often need multiple touchpoints with a brand before converting. By using billboards and retargeting in tandem, you can increase the number of these touchpoints in different environments.
  • When potential customers see a billboard while driving or walking and then later encounter a retargeted ad on social media or Google, the consistency builds familiarity, making them more likely to convert.

3. Building Trust Through Real-World Presence

  • One challenge with digital advertising alone is that some users may see it as ephemeral or intangible. A physical presence through billboards adds legitimacy to your brand, reassuring users that your business exists beyond the digital realm.
  • This added layer of credibility is particularly crucial for local businesses. A billboard campaign in your target area reinforces your retargeting efforts by showing that you’re part of the community.

4. Targeting Local Markets

  • One of the billboards’ biggest strengths is their targeting specific geographic locations. You can place billboards in areas where your ideal customers are likely to be.
  • Pairing this with retargeting allows you to create hyper-local campaigns. For example, if your billboard campaign is in a specific city or neighborhood, you can simultaneously run digital retargeting ads for people in that area. This creates a cohesive, hyper-targeted campaign that speaks directly to local consumers.

How to Implement Billboards with Retargeting: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve discussed why billboards and retargeting work well together, let’s create an effective campaign that integrates both.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

Before launching any campaign, you must be clear about what you want to achieve. Some common goals for billboard and retargeting campaigns include:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Driving traffic to your website or physical location
  • Promoting a specific product or service
  • Encouraging sign-ups or downloads

Once your goal is clear, creating messaging that aligns across both billboards and retargeting ads will be easier.

Step 2: Choose Your Billboard Locations Wisely

Your billboard locations should align with your target audience for this strategy to work. Consider factors like:

  • Demographics: Are the people passing the billboard aligned with your target audience?
  • Traffic volume: High-traffic areas mean more impressions but may also be more expensive. Look for locations where your ideal customers are most likely to pass by.
  • Local relevance: Billboards placed near your physical store (if applicable) or within your service area strengthen the connection between your offline and online presence.

Step 3: Craft a Consistent Message Across Channels

Consistency is key to making your billboard and retargeting strategy work. Your billboard messaging should align with the retargeting ads users see online. Some tips for ensuring consistency include:

  • Use similar visuals: Whether it’s your logo, color scheme, or product imagery, the visuals should be consistent across both platforms.
  • Match your call-to-action (CTA): The action you’re encouraging (e.g., “Visit Our Website,” “Shop Now”) should be the same on billboards and digital ads, making the transition between offline and online seamless.
  • Keep the message simple: Billboards often work best with concise messages due to the limited time people spend viewing them. This clarity should carry over into your digital ads for a cohesive experience.

Step 4: Leverage Geotargeting in Your Retargeting Campaigns

To maximize the effectiveness of combining billboards with retargeting, it would be best to use geotargeting in your digital ads. Geotargeting allows you to serve ads to people within a specific geographic area.

For example, if you have billboards in a particular city or neighborhood, you can serve digital retargeting ads to people in that area. This ensures that the people who see your billboard are also likely to see your digital ads, reinforcing your brand message and increasing the chances of conversion.

Step 5: Track and Measure Your Results

One of the challenges of traditional billboard advertising is that it’s harder to measure than digital ads. However, when you combine billboards with retargeting, you can gain more insights into your campaign’s performance. Here’s how:

  • Use unique URLs or promo codes: Include a unique URL or promotional code on your billboard to track the number of people who visit your website or make purchases as a direct result of seeing the ad.
  • Monitor website traffic spikes: Monitor your website traffic. If you see a spike in visits after launching a billboard campaign, especially from the geographic area where the billboard is located, it’s a good sign that your campaign is driving interest.
  • Use A/B testing for digital ads: In your retargeting campaign, run A/B tests on different ad creatives to see which versions best reinforce the billboard messaging.

Real-World Examples of Successful Billboard + Retargeting Campaigns

Example 1: Local Retailer Increases Foot Traffic

A local retailer in a metropolitan area ran a billboard campaign in high-traffic locations near shopping districts. Using geotargeting in their retargeting ads, they targeted consumers within a 10-mile radius of each billboard.

The retailer used a consistent message across both platforms, highlighting a storewide sale. Customers who saw the billboard were later served digital ads on Facebook and Instagram. The result was a noticeable increase in foot traffic to their physical store and a 15% increase in online sales during the campaign.

Example 2: National Brand Builds Awareness

A national consumer brand launched a new product and wanted to generate buzz across multiple cities. To this end, they ran billboards in high-visibility areas like downtown districts and along highways. At the same time, they ran a retargeting campaign targeting users in those cities who visited their website or engaged with their social media ads.

The billboards created initial awareness, while the retargeting ads on Google and Facebook reinforced the message, driving conversions. The combination resulted in a 25% higher conversion rate than a digital-only approach.

Key Takeaways for Integrating Billboards and Retargeting

When combined, billboards and retargeting create a powerful, multi-channel marketing strategy. Here are the key points to remember:

  • Consistency is critical: Ensure that your billboard messaging aligns with your retargeting ads for a seamless channel experience.
  • Leverage geotargeting: Use location-based targeting to serve digital ads to people in the same areas as your billboards.
  • Use measurable tools: Track the effectiveness of your campaign through unique URLs, promo codes, and website analytics.
  • Maximize exposure: Billboards provide constant visibility in high-traffic areas, while retargeting ensures continued engagement with your audience online.

Integrating these two channels can increase brand recognition, build trust, and drive more conversions.


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