Case Study: Dental Practices That Grew with Billboard Ads

August 2, 2024
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Traditional forms of advertising, like billboards, may seem outdated.

However, many businesses, including dental practices, have significantly succeeded through billboard advertising. This blog post will delve into how dental practices can achieve growth with billboard ads, supported by a detailed case study of Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry, which experienced remarkable results using Whistler Billboards’ Advantage Program.

The Power of Billboards for Dental Practices

Billboards offer a unique advantage to local businesses, particularly dental practices, by providing constant visibility in high-traffic areas. Unlike digital ads that require active engagement, billboards passively reach a broad audience, making them an effective tool for increasing brand awareness and attracting new patients. Here’s how billboards can specifically benefit dental practices:

  1. Local Visibility: Dental practices serve local communities, and billboards placed strategically in those areas ensure that the practice’s name and services are constantly in front of potential patients.
  2. Brand Recognition: Consistent exposure helps build brand recognition. When people repeatedly see a dental practice’s billboard, it creates familiarity and trust, making them more likely to choose that practice when they need dental services.
  3. Targeted Advertising: Billboards can be placed in locations frequented by the target demographic, such as near schools, shopping centers, or residential areas.
  4. 24/7 Advertising: Unlike other forms of advertising that may only be seen at certain times of the day, billboards are visible 24/7, providing continuous exposure.

Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry: A Success Story

To illustrate the effectiveness of billboard advertising for dental practices, let’s look at the case study of Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry in Moore, Oklahoma. Led by Dr. Rick Freeman, the practice faced challenges in expanding their reach and increasing production. They turned to Whistler Billboards and their Advantage Program, which integrates billboards, website development, Google Ads, call tracking, and monthly performance reporting.

Dr. Rick Freeman gave a testimonial on how a mix of billboards, web, and digital marketing transformed his dental practice.

Testimonial from Dr. Rick Freeman:

“We’ve been working really hard but it seemed like everything had kind of just leveled off and plateaued off and we wanted to step up our game and to become more acquainted with the community. So we were looking for options and that’s when Whistler Billboards came into the picture. It was pretty exciting. We started in January that year and our production was up over $300,000 that very first year. Cumulatively, over the last six years our production and collections have been up over $1.75 million and we just continue to grow. We’ve actually hit a point where we’re struggling to be able to see all of the patients that want to come see us.”

Implementing the Advantage Program

Whistler Billboards’ Advantage Program provided Perfect Smiles with a comprehensive marketing solution that combined traditional and digital advertising strategies. Here’s a breakdown of the program and how it contributed to the practice’s success:

Billboard Advertising:

  • Strategic Placement: Billboards were placed in high-traffic areas within Moore, Oklahoma, to maximize visibility. Locations near residential neighborhoods and busy intersections were selected to ensure the practice’s message reached potential patients throughout their daily routines.
  • Compelling Design: The billboards featured eye-catching designs with clear messaging about Perfect Smiles’ services. High-quality images of smiling patients and Dr. Freeman helped build a personal connection with the community.
  • Call to Action: Each billboard included a solid call to action, encouraging viewers to schedule an appointment or visit the practice’s website for more information.

Website Development:

  • User-Friendly Design: Whistler Billboards developed a user-friendly website for Perfect Smiles, ensuring potential patients could easily find information about services, book appointments, and contact the practice.
  • SEO Optimization: The website was optimized for search engines to increase organic traffic. Local SEO strategies were implemented to ensure the practice appeared in search results for relevant keywords in Moore, Oklahoma.
  • Mobile Optimization: With many users accessing websites via mobile devices, the site was designed to be responsive and easy to navigate on smartphones and tablets.

Google Ads:

  • Targeted Campaigns: Google Ads campaigns were created to target specific demographics and locations, ensuring that ads were shown to people most likely to need dental services.
  • Performance Tracking: The campaigns were continuously monitored and optimized based on performance data, allowing adjustments to improve effectiveness and ROI.

Call Tracking and Monthly Performance Reporting:

  • Call Tracking: Call tracking technology was implemented to monitor incoming calls from billboard ads and Google Ads. This allowed Perfect Smiles to assess which advertising channels generated the most leads.
  • Monthly Reporting: Whistler Billboards provided monthly performance reports, detailing the effectiveness of each advertising strategy. These reports included data on website traffic, call volume, and new patient appointments, enabling the practice to make informed decisions about their marketing efforts.

Results and Impact

The results of implementing Whistler Billboards’ Advantage Program were impressive. In the first year alone, Perfect Smiles saw a production increase of over $300,000. Over the next six years, their production and collections increased by more than $1.75 million. This significant growth allowed the practice to expand its services and reach a wider audience.

Dr. Rick Freeman shared his experience:

“It was pretty exciting. We started in January that year and our production was up over $300,000 that very first year. Cumulatively, over the last six years our production and collections have been up over $1.75 million and we just continue to grow. We’ve actually hit a point where we’re struggling to be able to see all of the patients that want to come see us.”

This growth increased revenue and enhanced the practice’s reputation in the community. The consistent visibility provided by the billboards helped Perfect Smiles become a well-known and trusted name in Moore, Oklahoma.

Key Takeaways for Dental Practices

The success of Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry highlights several key takeaways for other dental practices considering billboard advertising:

  1. Integration is Key: Combining traditional advertising methods like billboards with digital strategies such as Google Ads and a well-optimized website can create a powerful marketing synergy.
  2. Strategic Placement: The location of billboards is crucial. Placing them in high-traffic areas where your target audience will likely see them will maximize their effectiveness.
  3. Clear Messaging: Billboards should have clear, concise messaging with a strong call to action. Use high-quality images and make sure the design is professional and eye-catching.
  4. Continuous Monitoring: Use tools like call tracking and performance reporting to monitor the effectiveness of your advertising efforts. This data will help you make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for better results.
  5. Community Engagement: Engaging with the community through billboards can enhance brand recognition and trust. Showcasing testimonials and featuring images of your team can create a personal connection with potential patients.

Final Thoughts

Billboard advertising can be a game-changer for dental practices looking to grow their patient base and increase production. The case study of Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry demonstrates how a comprehensive marketing approach, combining billboards with digital strategies, can yield impressive results.

By leveraging the visibility and reach of billboards, dental practices can build brand recognition, attract new patients, and ultimately achieve significant growth. Whether you’re looking to boost your practice’s visibility, promote special offers, or enhance your brand image, billboard advertising offers a versatile and effective solution.

For dental practices considering this approach, partnering with a marketing agency that provides a comprehensive program like Whistler Billboards’ Advantage Program can ensure you get the most out of your advertising efforts. You can create a robust marketing strategy that drives real results by integrating billboards with website development, Google Ads, call tracking, and performance reporting.

As Dr. Rick Freeman of Perfect Smiles Family Dentistry experienced, the benefits of billboard advertising can be substantial, leading to increased production, higher collections, and a stronger presence in the community. If you’re ready to take your dental practice to the next level, consider the power of billboard advertising and the comprehensive solutions offered by Whistler Billboards.


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